The NetOwl Blog

  • Name Matching Helps Social Media Companies Verify User Identity

    December 06, 2023

    Name Matching Helps Social Media Companies Verify User Identity

    Whether to fight disinformation, avoid criminal liability, or reduce the number of fake accounts, social media platforms are under increasing pressure to perform user identity verification.

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  • Entity Extraction is a Critical Technology for Detecting and Monitoring Geopolitical Events

    October 17, 2023

    Entity Extraction is a Critical Technology for Detecting and Monitoring Geopolitical Events

    Ongoing and newly emerging conflicts underscore the need to monitor and be alerted to geopolitical events around the world in real time.

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  • How Identity Resolution Helps Detect Fraud in Public Assistance Programs

    September 29, 2023

    How Identity Resolution Helps Detect Fraud in Public Assistance Programs

    Fraud often hides behind non-obvious record similarities that are hard to detect by humans alone.

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  • Entity Extraction Helps Detect Terrorist Fundraising Activity on Social Media

    August 30, 2023

    Entity Extraction Helps Detect Terrorist Fundraising Activity on Social Media

    Finding terrorist fundraising activities on social media is a needle in a haystack type of challenge.

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  • How to Choose a Fuzzy Name Matching Product

    July 25, 2023

    How to Choose a Fuzzy Name Matching Product

    Before selecting a name matching product, here are 9 questions you may want to consider.

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  • Name Matching Helps Protect the Sports Betting Industry Against Money Laundering

    July 20, 2023

    Name Matching Helps Protect the Sports Betting Industry Against Money Laundering

    As more and more states legalize sports betting, the industry grows along with the risk of it being misused for money laundering.

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