The NetOwl Blog

  • Sentiment Analysis Helps Companies Listen to the Voice of the Employee

    November 01, 2022

    Sentiment Analysis Helps Companies Listen to the Voice of the Employee

    In a tight labor market, listening to the Voice of the Employee is paramount for retention and ultimately company success.

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  • Name Matching Makes Hotel Self Check-In Possible

    October 14, 2022

    Name Matching Makes Hotel Self Check-In Possible

    As hotels look to improve efficiencies and customer satisfaction, automated self check-in will become standard. The problem is matching names reliably.

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  • Entity Extraction Puts the World’s News at a News Agency’s Fingertips

    September 30, 2022

    Entity Extraction Puts the World’s News at a News Agency’s Fingertips

    News agencies around the world face the constant challenge of having to monitor a tsunami of incoming news on a wide variety of topics and in real-time.

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  • Identity Resolution Facilitates Data Warehousing

    September 14, 2022

    Identity Resolution Facilitates Data Warehousing

    For organizations that rely on data warehouses for decision making, data quality is key.

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  • Entity Extraction Enables Effective Redaction for Data Protection

    August 31, 2022

    Entity Extraction Enables Effective Redaction for Data Protection

    Want to protect your sensitive data from insider threats, data breaches, and data leaks? Think redaction.

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  • The Complexities of Building Your Own Name Matching System

    August 15, 2022

    The Complexities of Building Your Own Name Matching System

    Here are some pitfalls to consider if you are weighing whether to build your own Name Matching system

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