Category: Entity Extraction

  • Entity Extraction Helps Insurance Companies Model the Cost of Adverse Events

    June 03, 2024

    Entity Extraction Helps Insurance Companies Model the Cost of Adverse Events

    For the insurance industry it is key to predict the financial impact of adverse events. Entity Extraction helps track adverse events for cost modelling.

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  • How the Combination of Entity Extraction and Name Matching is Critical for Up-To-Date KYC Data

    April 05, 2024

    How the Combination of Entity Extraction and Name Matching is Critical for Up-To-Date KYC Data

    KYC Data Providers face the challenge of how to ensure their data is comprehensive and up-to-date in an ever-changing world with ever-growing data.

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  • Relationship Extraction is a Critical AI Technology for Effective Link Analysis

    February 06, 2024

    Relationship Extraction is a Critical AI Technology for Effective Link Analysis

    Relationship Extraction processes large quantities of unstructured data at scale to identify the critical links between entities.

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  • Entity Extraction is a Critical Technology for Detecting and Monitoring Geopolitical Events

    October 17, 2023

    Entity Extraction is a Critical Technology for Detecting and Monitoring Geopolitical Events

    Ongoing and newly emerging conflicts underscore the need to monitor and be alerted to geopolitical events around the world in real time.

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  • Entity Extraction Helps Detect Terrorist Fundraising Activity on Social Media

    August 30, 2023

    Entity Extraction Helps Detect Terrorist Fundraising Activity on Social Media

    Finding terrorist fundraising activities on social media is a needle in a haystack type of challenge.

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  • Entity Extraction Unlocks the Insights Hidden in Unstructured Data

    May 03, 2023

    Entity Extraction Unlocks the Insights Hidden in Unstructured Data

    As Big Data continues to grow exponentially, AI tools such as Entity Extraction help discover the valuable data and insights contained in unstructured text.

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